DRUCKER bucket
drucker bucket
We are privileged to be leaders and managers and we steward that privilege by being lifelong learners and practitioners in the art of management. We don’t just give lip service to management—we are disciplined students of great leadership and management thinkers like Peter Drucker, Ken Blanchard and others.
IN 2015, HUNDREDS OF LEADERS AND MANAGERS joined us for "Drucker Mondays," a 52-week journey through the book, A Year with Peter Drucker: 52 Weeks of Coaching for Leadership Effectiveness, by Joseph A. Maciariello. Each Monday, we featured a Drucker fan and his or her favorite snippet from the week's topic. (Read the archives here.)
EXERCISE your management muscles with a daily dose of Drucker. Many leaders read Peter Drucker's book, The Effective Executive, once a year. Others enjoy The Daily Drucker: 366 Days of Insight and Motivation for Getting the Right Things Done. The point, says Drucker, is to practice, practice, practice the art of management.
DOWNLOAD the complete list (PDF) of books by Peter Drucker, compiled by the Office of Marketing and Communications at Clarement Graduate University (see pages 73-75 in the Buckets book).
IMPRESS YOUR COLLEAGUES with a few Druckerisms at appropriate times in boring business meetings, such as, "Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get their work done." Visit Brainy Quotes for more one-liners.
DELEGATE YOUR READING! Ask team members to select a book from this bucket and share a book review at your next staff meeting. See the Book Bucket for more ideas on why "Leaders Are Readers." For a complete list of books from this bucket, visit the Book Bucket and download List #1 (with books reviewed through Dec. 31 of last year).