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My 25 Memorable Mistakes—and What I Learned
by John Pearson with Jason Pearson

Click here to download the Table of Contents (John's 25 Mistakes!)
and read the Introduction ("A Q&A With Son & Pearson") 

Click here to read “Mistake #19: Experiencing Infrequent God
Moments. The Lord and Jason deliver a stunning 50th anniversary gift!.”

SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO GEORGE DUFF. Click here to download
Mistake #13 and John's tribute to his mentor and friend,
George Duff, who entered Heaven's presence on Jan. 1, 2023. 

Click here to order
from Amazon.

"Mastering Mistake-Making (Part 1 of 2)" is the topic on the Feb. 8, 2023, podcast of The Next Chapter With Charlie Hedges. LOL! Charlie labels John a "Master of Mistake-Making" in this 35-minute interview on the book John and Jason Pearson wrote in 2021. This is Episode 268. Listen here or on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Episode 269, Part 2 of 2 (37 minutes), was posted on Feb. 15, 2023. Listen here or on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

“FUNNY!” SAYS BOB LONAC. “From the front cover to the back cover, this book is engaging, insightful, easy to understand, profound, and entertaining. (That’s not a misprint. This book is entertaining and funny!)” Bob Lonac, CEO & President at CRISTA Ministries from 2006–2019, describes and recommends this book in just two minutes! View the video here. “Chapter 2 is my favorite mistake,” says Bob.

LISTEN! On the "Influence Podcast" (Episode 259, Sept. 2, 2021),
George P. Wood asked me, "What are the top two or three professional mistakes you see pastors and other ministry leaders make on a regular basis?” Listen to my answer and our conversation about "How to Make Mistakes Well."

MASTERING MISTAKE-MAKING, by John Pearson with Jason Pearson,
features 25 memorable mistakes John made in his career—and what he
learned (and is still learning) from the mistake-making literature. Here are just six of the 25 transparent chapters in this very practical workbook for your staff meetings and your professional enrichment:
   Mistake #3: Reading Too Narrowly—Stuck in My Lane
   Mistake #8: Incessantly Whining About Being Too Busy
   Mistake #9: Fibbing…to Fit My Fiction
   Mistake #10: Being “Mr. Nice Guy” vs. “Mr. Truthful Guy”
   Mistake #14: Ignoring My Annoying Workplace Habits
   Mistake #20: Trying to Fix Workaholism on My Own

John confesses, “Had I studied the efficacy of mistake-making earlier in my career, I would have taken more risks—yes, leading to more failure—but also leading to greater learning and results.”

Each chapter features a brief “mistake story” (often a hilarious management mistake) and then what John learned after reading a recommended fork-in-the-road book. (He recommends one book for each mistake: 25 must-read books!) Now you and your team members can avoid these 25 mistakes by reading Mastering Mistake-Making: My 25 Memorable Mistakes—and What I Learned.

The workbook format can be used for your own professional development or with your team in your weekly staff meetings. This “10 Minutes for Lifelong Learning Workbook” includes a bonus chapter, a “Do-It-Yourself Mistake-Maker,” with a template inviting your team members to present one of their memorable mistakes at future weekly staff meetings!

The appendix is jammed with additional lifelong reading resources, including a special 9/11 journal and photos by Jason Pearson, John’s son, who is the “Ideator and Illustrator” of this unique book. Jason flew into New York City the morning of 9/11 and now—20 years later—he shares his poignant journal and on-the-scene photos.


"MISTAKES ARE LIKE TUITION." Brilliant! "...mistakes are like tuition—it’s part of the learning process." That's from the blog by Dr. Richard (Rick) Goossen, Chairman of The Entrepreneurial Leaders Organization (The ELO Network). He weighs in on "Have You Mastered the Craft of Making Mistakes?" in his ELO Blog, Sept. 20, 2021. Read the blog

PRACTICAL...INTERACTIVE AND FUN. "In real life, John Pearson makes few mistakes. In this book however, he’s transparent and has catalogued the few mistakes he has made for us all to learn from them. This book is practical, full of ideas, interactive and fun. When you’re done reading, your life will be all the better because you’ll have eliminated the 25 mistakes outlined in John’s book. Thanks, John!”
GREG LEITH, CEO, CONVENE (Business Performance, Eternal Perspective)

REFRESHING APPROACH. "One of John Pearson's best contributions in his leadership library of resources. John shares 25 memorable mistakes and what he learned. What a refreshing approach to leadership failures. Rather than cover up or blame, those who lead for the long haul with character and competence, leverage mistakes as a learning and development opportunity for themselves, their team, and their entire organization. How refreshing is that! John references the thought leaders in the world of leadership to provide insights into his failure journey. 

"Learning, listening, developing, delegation, busyness, speaking truth, coaching and blind spots, God moments, workaholism, arrogance, boundaries. Take your pick. Read a few pages and you will enhance your capacity as a leader. Capacity is your ability to lead more effectively and efficiently as well as readiness to lead at higher levels of organizational complexity. Buy the book just for the Appendix and Resources. His study guide offers 5 ways to maximize learning at your weekly staff meeting. The index at the back of the book provides expedient access to all the gold mine of application points. If you are not aware of Pearson's Mastering the Management Buckets: 20 Critical Competencies for Leading Your Business or is a must have for your own leadership library."

DICK DANIELS, ICF Certified Executive Coach, President, The Leadership Development Group, and author of Leadership Briefs: Shaping Organizational Culture to Stretch Leadership Capacity, and Leadership Core: Character, Competence, Capacity.


“Wow, Grandpa John! You made a lot of mistakes in your career!”
Emelia Pearson (18), your favorite granddaughter 

“Thanks for being so vulnerable and sharing your mistakes. By the way, I’ll give you the list of typos I found in your book—in exchange for a generous Starbucks gift card.”
Zuzu Pearson (18), your favorite granddaughter

“I read one of your whopper mistakes to my business class. They laughed and asked if my other grandpa had more street smarts! No comment.”
Anders Pearson (18), your favorite grandson

"Grandpa John...I just want to say that of all the books I’ve read this far in my life, your book is one of them. (Nice sketches, Dad!)”
Annika Pearson (14), your favorite granddaughter 

“Your book has already been helpful for my siblings. Now when someone messes up, we just shout out, ‘Mistake #9!’ or ‘Mistake #4!’ (my favorite).”
Helena Pearson (12), your favorite granddaughter
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John Pearson

Board Governance & Management Consultant





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