volunteer bucket
We reject the notion of a two-tiered Kingdom workforce. Instead, we seek to treat our paid volunteers (staff) and our unpaid volunteers with equal passion and intentionality. We will never have enough paid staff to accomplish our Kingdom assignments, so we continually hone our skills in volunteer cultivation, recruitment, orientation and engagement.
WORKSHEET #12.1: The G.N.O.M.E. Chart: Annual Volunteer Goals. Download this Word document and summarize your annual volunteer plans (Goals, Needs, Objectives, Methods and Evaluation) on one page.
WORKSHEET #12.2: The Volunteer Program Annual Check-up. Do you value your volunteers with full organizational support? Download this PDF and assess your current situation against "The 7 Standards of an Effective Volunteer Program."
REFLECT: Do you cultivate, recruit, orient and engage volunteers with the same intentionality that you do when recruiting paid volunteers (your staff)? Do you help volunteers leverage their strengths, serve out of their spiritual giftedness, and work in their comfort zone, based on their social style? Read Chapters 7, 9 and 20 with volunteers in mind.
DELEGATE YOUR READING! Ask team members to select a book from this bucket and share a book review at your next staff meeting. See the Book Bucket for more ideas on why "Leaders Are Readers." For a complete list of books from this bucket, visit the Book Bucket and download List #1 (with books reviewed through Dec. 31 of last year).